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Get Your First PR Merged!

You've always wanted to contribute to open source packages in the Laravel community, but didn't know how. Here's a step by step guide and it's Completely Free

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I'm not sure if I'm ready

Of course you are!

If you aren't ready to make code changes to a package, you can still help with opening great Github issues and making docs contributions.

We will also cover the correct mindset of getting started with open source.

Ignore impostor syndrome! You don't have to be Taylor Otwell, you just need to be helpful!

What will I learn?

Once you're ready to submit a bugfix or feature pull request, here's what you'll learn:

  • Identify a pull request opportunity (something that needs to be done)
  • Fork an open source package
  • Symlink your forked package to a local Laravel project
  • Make code changes and test locally
  • Submit Your PR with detailed information about your changes.

What are the videos?

Lesson 1: Introduction

  1. Introduction

  2. The Contributor Mindset

Lesson 2: Open Great Github Issues

  1. Confirm Your Issue

  2. Submit a Great Issue

Lesson 3: Submit a Docs / README Pull Request

  1. Submit a Docs PR

  2. Result of Our Docs PR

Lesson 4: Your First Code PR - Fix a Github Issue

  1. Finding an Issue to Fix

  2. Fork and Symlink the Package

  3. Replicate the Issue in UI and Tests

  4. Fix the Bug!

  5. Take the Time to Be Helpful

  6. Submit Your PR

  7. Results of Our PR (and Bonus PR)

  8. Keep Your Fork Updated

  9. Use Your Fork in Production

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I know before starting this course?

You should be comfortable using Laravel and composer packages. You should also spend a few minutes learning about about Livewire, since this is the package we will using to submit the PR. Oh, and you need a Github account.

How much does the course cost?

This course is 100% free. Just sign up and you get immediate access to the course. If you really love the course and feel compelled to pay something, you can name your price here.

What if I'm ready to create my own open source PHP or Laravel package?

You can do it! If you need help, I recommend the PHP Package Development course.

You say I should add tests to my Pull Requests, but I don't know how to write tests.

I know, it's hard. Luckily there is some great Laravel Documentation. If you need more help, consider Confident Laravel by Jason McCreary, Build a Laravel App with TDD by Jeffery Way, or Test Driven Laravel by Adam Wathan.

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